Monday, 8 December 2008

New Project

We hav been given a new project associated with the laser cutting company Ponoko who are based in new zeland, this was really exciting although also very challenging.

We were given 3 areas which we could design for, these were garden, design studio and office. I automatically was drawn to the garden. Being from Norway i love nature and i always draw a large element of inspiration form it. I chose to look at the new development of norwarys tourist routes by new young ariticets and the design group 'what norway says'. From this i drew up a few key areas of focus which my design must meet, these included complementating nature not competing with it, and adding a new aspect to a mundane object.

From this i wanted to confront our inspiration for living and objects in the garden such as BBQ's, chairs and tabels. We take inspiration from inside, instead of drawing of the beauty of the outside which you are supposed to be outside enjoying.

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