Tuesday 20 October 2009

Back Brace as a Fashion Item ??

I came across this work via another blog. It immediately drew my interest as it is along similar lines to my project however it looks at the back brace from a completely different angle. This work has been created by a female designer called Francesca Lanzavecchia as part of her Masters Degree. When I researched further its also been featured on design boom with some good explanations of the concept behind her creations.


I have to say I love the concept of a second skin although not a personal area of interest to myself as I feel it would draw attention to my injury it would be nice to hear what other think !?

I do feel that I could learn from her work.


The Wildwood said...

Yes, I think a back brace can be a fasion statement if it is designed by someone like you who knows what it is like to wear one for an extended amout of time.

insights-and-aspirations said...

True - role play i think should be one of the key methodologies that should be used when it comes to designing things like these now a days - you can read up on something as much as you like but its only when you live it that you TRUELY understand it - dont you think ? Has youv views changed with your experiances ?