I have been working away developing my concepts so here are a few scans and snippets to show the progressions I have taken.
Most of the concepts evolve around 3 key areas. These were:
*QoL(quality of life)/fixings
The corsetry influence was looking at what was already socially acceptable in current social society for the age group I am focusing on. Corsets are often seen as a desirable object to wear for 16-25 yr old females, which is something which I would like to transfer to the medical back brace.
Just as crutches are deemed more acceptable and ‘cool’ than two walking sticks. This negative back lash can act as a deterrent to the patient to use the product, this can result in the patient rejecting the product and so putting their rehabilitation/recovery at risk. I want to try and install this acceptable youth culture onto other rehabilitation products to address social stigma’s and encourage the patient to embrace their situation and use the product.